Mary Poppins

Cast List


SATURDAY, 4/17 @ 1PM


Katie Nana – Meggin Warpinski

George Banks 1 – Ben McNeese

Jane Banks 1 – Ana-lise Wadatz

Jane Banks 2 – Christina Statum

Michael Banks 1 – Patrick Todd

Mary Poppins 1 – Jackie Thompson

Mary Poppins 2 – Kaley Lawrence

Bert – Jonah Jackson

Winnifred – Erin McCracken

Mrs. Brill – Jordan Scott

Robertson Ay – Christian Nadim

Policeman/Park Keep – Andy Kanies

Miss Lark/Neleus – Sarah Jackson

Admiral Boom – Ronnie Meek

Jolly Holiday Dancers: Alena Dingeldein, Grace Dodd, Ethan Harrell,  Kara Jackson, Sara Krikac, Austin Posavac, Anna Spooner, Ben Summers, Christie Thompson, Nathan Thompson, Tony Whitley, Anna Winter


SATURDAY, 4/17 @ 5PM


Bird Lady – Meggin Warpinski

Bank Chairman – Michael Maguire

Mrs. Cory – Ella Shafer

George Banks 3 – Collin Hunter

George Banks 4 – Ethan Harrell

Jane Banks 3 – Katie Henderson

Jane Banks 4 – Nila Huddleston

Michael Banks 2 – Zach Wood

Mary Poppins 3 – Marigrace Rogers

Mary Poppins 4 – Jackie Thompson

Bert – Jonah Jackson

Winnifred – Erin McCracken

Mrs. Brill – Jordan Scott

Robertson Ay/Bank Clerk – Christian Nadim

Policeman/Park Keep/Von Hussler – Andy Kanies

Miss Smythe/Miss Lark – Sarah Jackson

Admiral Boom/Northbrook – Ronnie Meek

ACT 1 SCENES 11-12 & ACT 2 SCENES 1-6

SUNDAY, 4/18 @ 1PM


Miss Andrews – Alena Dingeldein

George Banks 4 – Ethan Harrell

Jane Banks 5 – Anna Spooner

Jane Banks 6 – Hannah Nall

Michael Banks 3 – Ben Summers

Mary Poppins 5 – Kara Jackson

Bert – Jonah Jackson

Winnifred – Erin McCracken

Mrs. Brill – Jordan Scott

Robertson Ay/Kite Flier – Christian Nadim

Valentine/Policeman/Park Keep – Andy Kanies

Doll/Miss Lark  – Sarah Jackson

Playing the Game Toys: Ali Campbell, Samantha Campbell, Robert Cross, Kari Horecka, Vera Johnson, Allen Jordan, Kaylie Pickard, Robert Sparkman


SUNDAY, 4/18 @ 5PM


Bird Lady  – Meggin Warpinski

Bank Chairman – Michael Maguire

George Banks 4 – Ethan Harrell

George Banks 5 – Tony Whitley

Jane Banks 7 – Anna Winter

Jane Banks 8 – Grace Dodd

Michael Banks 4 – Nathan Thompson

Michael Banks 5 – Austin Posavac 

Mary Poppins  6 – Sara Krikac

Mary Poppins 7 – Christie Thompson

Bert – Jonah Jackson

Winnifred – Erin McCracken

Mrs. Brill – Jordan Scott

Robertson Ay/Chimney Sweep/Bank Clerk – Christian Nadim

Chimney Sweep/Bank Clerk – Andy Kanies

Chimney Sweep/Miss Smythe– Sarah Jackson

Bank Clerk – Ronnie Meek

Anything Can Happen Dancers: Katie Henderson, Collin Hunter, Kaley Lawrence, Michael Maguire, Ben McNeese, Marigrace Rogers, Christina Statum,  Jackie Thompson,Patrick Todd,  Ana-lise Wadatz, Meggin Warpinski, Zach Wood

Any video recording made of this performance is authorized for personal, at-home, non-commercial use only. The sale or distribution of such recording is strictly prohibited under federal copyright law. *


Director – Melissa Smith

Associate Director – Jordan Scott

Choreographer – Elise Horecka

Music Director – Sarah Jackson

Instructor – Erin Styron

Instructor – Becky Sullivan

Volunteer – Brenda Arnold, Melinda Winter, Daniel Dingeldein & Dianne Spooner

Sets – Tim & Jill McNeese, Dan Bedore, Andy Kanies

Tech – Colin Smith, Jay Inman, Taylor Epps, Scott Winter

Costume Rentals-Nashville Repertory Theatre

Special Thanks for generous funding for this production by:

Middle TN Electric’s Sharing Change 

TN Arts Commission 

Support the Arts

In addition to the standard rental policies & guidelines from both Williamson County Performing Arts Center and Musical Theater International, this performance was produced under the following Covid-19 protocols:

• Anyone who is feeling ill, experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, running a fever, or has been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID in the previous 10 days should not attend events at the Performing Arts Center.

• Patrons will be required to undergo a temperature check and Covid Q&A screening before entering the theatre and are required to wear face masks throughout the performance.

• Performers will be required to undergo a temperature check and Covid Q&A screening before entering the theatre and will be required to wear a face mask during all rehearsals. During a performance, performers are required to wear a clear face shield on stage. All crew and backstage helpers should have a face mask on at all times.

• Patrons will enter the theater through the lobby and exit from the theater to our courtyard.

• Performers will enter and exit at the Stage Door for all rehearsals and performances. Performers should avoid the lobby at all times.

• Rentals will be limited to an audience of 80 or less based on configuration. The room will be set up prior to event in order to maintain social distancing and may not be altered in any way.

• Maintain seating that affords 6’ social distancing between individuals who are not members of the same house hold.

• Each dressing room can hold a maximum of 10 and all must be social distanced. Backstage help must be limited to 4 volunteers.

• There can be no more than 20 performers in show and they must maintain social distancing as much as possible. Full scale musicals are discouraged at this time.

• Performances are encouraged to:

* use social distancing in scene blocking

* limit costume changes backstage as much as possible

* Tech crew will be limited and will not handle personable props. Each performer will handle their own props and personal props will not be shared. Tech crew will be masked and gloved throughout each performance

* Singing should be limited as much as possible. Performers should not face one another while singing.

* There will be a 15ft. distance from the edge of the stage to the first row of audience members to protect from transmission of aerosol droplets.

• Actors should be assigned a seat in the auditorium and sit there through every rehearsal when not required to be onstage or backstage.

• Due to social distancing guidelines, only 2 people will be allowed at the control board and must wear face masks.

• No sharing of food or beverages. We encourage that actors bring their own marked water bottles. Only water is allowed in the theatre.

• Concessions will not be sold during this time. Patrons are welcome to bring in water only.

• Performances cannot include any entrances or exits by performers in the house.

• If you have a matinee and evening performance in one day, you will need to provide a group of volunteers to help sanitize the theater and dressing rooms between shows.

  • Performers may not share microphones during a performance and all body mics should be in a protective cover
  • No smoke or haze of any form
  • No intermissions will be allowed during COVID-19 and there will be no ticket sales on the day of a performance, only advanced ticket sales.
  • Meet and greet with the performers and patrons inside the facility will not be permitted at this time.

We want to thank the staff, students, parents and Board members of Backlight Productions, as well as the staff of Williamson County Performing Arts Center and Musical Theatre International, who walked with us through this difficult season with kindness, grace and flexibility, enabling us to produce the best show we possibly could amidst circumstances none of us could ever have prepared for. What was meant for evil has brought about something beautiful and we are stronger and more determined because of it. 

We will forever remember this year and this production.

-Melissa Smith, Executive Director